Karina Chadijah's Blog

Apple overshadows Coca Cola as world’s best brand

Posted by in COMM 101

American multinational corporation, Apple Inc., has just recently been ranked as the world’s number 1 best brand according to international brand consulting firm, Interbrand. They have estimated that Apple’s brand value has increased by 28% over last year. Moreover, this is the first year that Coca-Cola is not at the top of the list since the year 2000. Interestingly, Coke (est. 1892) has been around much longer than Apple (est. 1976), which shows that Apple must be doing something right. As a loyal customer of Apple, I believe they truly…read more


I still support Sauder FROSH.

Posted by in COMM 101

I was very shocked when I saw the news about our faculty on national television. I read several articles about it online, but I didn’t think it would grow this big. As a part of Sauder Frosh 2013, I am saddened by this news. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/ubc-student-leaders-resign-over-offensive-chant-during-frosh/article14188875/ I agree that the event that occurred during FROSH is ethically wrong. By doing the cheers, it strongly implies that Sauder supports and teaches non-consensual sex, especially to first-years. As a result, many of the stakeholders are worried and disturbed by the news (stakeholder conflict)….read more


About Me

Posted by in COMM 101

A fourth year international student from Jakarta, Indonesia studying Marketing at the Sauder School of Business. Proven to be a leader and a strategic thinker through avid participation in various causes. Skilled in communication and solving problems under pressure. Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia.


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