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Archive for October, 2010

Scarrots too Scary for Halloween

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Well midterms are all over now and Halloween is just around the corner.  You have no idea how impatiently I’ve been looking forward to this much-needed weekend and  since Halloween is in two days, I thought I would write my next Marketing Blog in connection with this spooky holiday.  In Marketing class the other day, […]

for when you’re sick of the 3:00 slump

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

The past few weeks have not been my favourite.  Since the Thanksgiving long weekend I have had a bad cold which has not been helped by the fact that I had three midterms this week in a row.  However, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I managed to survive and therefore sit here […]

Come fly away with Michael Bublé and Starbucks

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

I love Starbucks.  From the warmth and relaxation the drinks provide in winter, to the refreshing and energizing fraps in summer time, Starbucks always has the perfect drink for me…despite the calories they pile on.  Although I don’t watch that much TV, thinking back to all the commercials I’ve seen lately, I don’t remember seeing […]

we love candy, yes we do

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

  Every day I take the bus and skytrain an hour and a half to get to UBC.  Although this takes up a lot of time and can often be uncomfortable and miserable, I get to see a lot of new things I probably wouldn’t see if I were driving.  These sites include interesting people […]

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