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Scarrots too Scary for Halloween

Well midterms are all over now and Halloween is just around the corner.  You have no idea how impatiently I’ve been looking forward to this much-needed weekend and  since Halloween is in two days, I thought I would write my next Marketing Blog in connection with this spooky holiday. 

In Marketing class the other day, we were shown a picture of Baby Carrots new Halloween promotion titled Scarrots.  As Baby Carrots are currently trying to join the market as a substitute for junk food such as chips, Scarrots are designed for parents to give out to trick-or-treaters on Halloween night as an alternative to chocolate or candy. 

Now in all fairness, there is a growing trend towards healthy and organic foods as the obesity rate is unfortunately increasing and parents are encouraged to keep their children away from junk food.  However, Halloween only does come once a year, and from the personal experience of receiving boxes of raisins and even full apples while trick-or-treating, I can perfectly understand how kids all dressed up in their extravagant costumes will feel when they get bags of baby carrots instead of candy in their loot bags.

While Scarrots are in effectively designed ‘chip’ bags made to attract the attention of young consumers, (they even offer glow in the dark tattoos inside!), will they become the new candy of Halloween? While there may be some parents or health-fanatics who will buy this ‘treat’ to give out, I feel that Halloween is the only time when junk-food and candy is actually allowed…and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.  Therefore, in my opinion, although the current trend is toward healthy foods, Scarrots will remain on shelves this Halloween and fortunately not in the bags of trick-or-treaters. I’m sure Baby Carrots will have a better time promoting their product at Easter 😉  

Happy Halloween!

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