Forward: City Harvest Church Funds Embezzlement (Reply to Gabriel’s Blog)

While browsing my classmates’ blogs, an article that caught my attention was “City Harvest Church Funds Embezzlement”, posted by Gabriel Chua. I really agree with his analysis and opinion. I think it is unforgivable that people use the Church’s name to acquire donation that is not used for the church, instead the church members spent the money to support a singer. I think the worst part is that they do not believe what they have done is wrong; rather they try to argue against their crime. In a way, I think Ho should have been punished as well because I think she knows there is mismanagement with the church’s finance since suddenly there was lots of money to support her in the music career for the past few years. This ambiguous money should have aroused her suspicion to question the church’s accountants. The article also reminded me of the lecture on accounting when we were discussing about fraud.


Founder and senior pastor of City Harvest Church (CHC) Kong Hee (right) is with his wife and co-founder of CHC, Ho Yeow Sun (left), popularly known as Sun Ho. Kong held the position of president


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