Why is everyone late these days? Is it okay though ? (External Blog)

My opinion regarding Greg Savage’s blog (External) :

I really agree with this post that it is not “OK” to be late for everything. Initially I just read through about it and went on with my life. Then later on, I received an e-mail from the Head TA regarding this issue. Then I realize this post should be shared to everyone. Being punctual should be applied to every event and not just for school. Punctuality reflects on one’s attitudes, behaviours, values and personalities. For example, in a meeting, if I was on time but my team members were all late, I would feel disrespected and ignored. This act is also unfair to people who are punctual as the “latecomers” seem to have power over others that he or she can be late without suffering from any consequences. The worst part is that these “latecomers” are the ones who normally request a meeting. In my point of view, if I can be on time, I am sure others can too.
Another reason that being late is unacceptable is that you may have missed some important news. For instance, classes and meetings may start without your presence, thus you may have missed out an important discussion or debriefing.
To : Rob, Tamar, and Kelly, I am sorry I was late twice

mini comic strip:

then . . .

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