Zimt Artisan Chocolates

I am very interested in the food industry and dreamed about being an entrepreneur in this industry. An example is Zimt Artisan Chocolates; its products are all organic as it targets healthy people including vegans. It has the traditional chocolate bars while offering more special products such as cookie dough and macaroons. Although it does not have a store for its own brand, Zimt distributes its products into many stores and cafes all around Vancouver, Surrey, Victoria, Toronto and many more places.
While browsing her website, I had some questions that I wanted to ask her and Emma was kind enough to reply my email
My questions were related to her connections, struggles and tips in being an entrepreneur. (Her reply is the image below)

Her email was really helpful for me to plan on being an entrepreneur. I understand why her biggest struggle is herself because it can be hectic when running a company especially how Emma has to help make the chocolates too.
Before reading her tip, I never thought of staying focus for that long because I only concentrate when I had procrastinated and needed to finish an assignment by a certain deadline. I assume when one is focusing on a certain thing, time passes faster.
I am deeply grateful that I had a chance to meet Emma in class.

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