Is Coca Cola always that Ethical? (Reply to Monique’s Blog)

While I was browsing Monqiue’s blog I saw her Coca-Cola post, thus I decided to research about Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola seems like an ethical company that repays society. However, when I was searching the word “Coca-Cola’s ethnics”, the first suggestion popped out was “animal test”. At that moment I felt different about Monique’s post. I dug deeper as I assumed Coca-Cola was not as ethical as today’s image. In 2007 there were rumors saying Coca-Cola uses animal to test or develop its products. Apparently Coca-Cola used to use “animals like rats and chimpanzees to test taste perception and in some cases, to bolster support for promotional health claims”. Also according to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Coca-Cola “had a history of invasive animal experimentation”. It would cut open chimpanzees’ face to conduct tests.
As time passed, under the pressure from animal rights activists, it decided to “stop directly financing research that uses animals to test or develop their products.” Hence, Coca-Cola has been trying to redeem its image and give back to the environment such as working with WWF in conserving fresh water.




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