Blog #1 – Anne Frank

Born on June 12, 1929, thirteen year old Anne Frank has deep insights based on her diary entries ( Editors, 2016). Anne Frank, a Jew, and her family had to go into hiding in Amsterdam when the Nazis took over Germany, making the lives of Jews difficult. Along with her parents, older sister Margot, her father’s business partner and his family, they were all hiding together behind a hidden movable bookshelf ( Staff, 2009). In The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank writes entries in her diary that her father, Otto Frank, gave to her (Gilmore, 2012). Although her writing and thoughts are mature for her age, the overall tone throughout her diary remains youthful, just as how a thirteen year old’s diary would seem to be. Anne was not only a young girl with a diary, but she also aspired to be a writer.

Anne Frank would refer to her diary as “Kitty” in the form of “Dear Kitty” instead of it being the usual “Dear Diary”. This allows her to have a personal connection with her diary, especially during when she was in hiding. She wrote “When I write, I can shake off all my cares.” ( Editors, 2016) This quote has shown the significance of her diary to her, thus, making it even more personal. Furthermore, it has appealed to the audience’s sense of pathos as they too can have a sense to what Anne is feeling at the time of her situation.

Unfortunately, Anne Frank did not make it alive to finish her stories. Their secret hiding place was discovered by the Nazis and they were taken into concentration camps, leading to the separation of men and women in the family. After a few months, Anne and Margot were separated from their mother. From their family, only Otto Frank survived the concentration camps. Anne’s diary was returned to Otto and he decided to publish his daughter’s diary in order to share the encouragement and strength his daughter had.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank was first published in German in 1947 and has been translated into sixty-seven different languages (Stichting). Due to this fact, it is very possible that there are some words or phrases that has lost its meaning through the multiple translations as some words are special to its own language and cannot be described in another.

Works Cited Editors. “Anne Frank Biography.” A&E Networks Television, 8 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Sept. 2016. <>.

Gilmore, Kim. “Anne Frank: Her Diary Reconsidered.” A&E Networks Television, 17 Apr. 2012. Web. 18 Sept. 2016. <>. Staff. “Anne Frank.” A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 18 Sept. 2016. <>.

Stichting. ” .”  Anne Frank Guide. Anne Frank Stichting, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2016. <>.

1 thought on “Blog #1 – Anne Frank

  1. eva beln ruiz

    While I was reading your blog i was able to get a deeper understanding of what happened to Anne Frank during her life in both the sections we read and the ones we did not. I liked your argument that because she had such a good relationship with her diary that she was able to pour more emotion into the diary, therefore making it have a deeper emotional impact on the audience. I also found the fact that this diary had been circulated so widely in a variety of languages very fascinating. It showed that this historical event enthralled many not just the ones who were involved in the war.


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