Having read through numerous marketing blogs to find something that truly caught my attention, I stumbled upon Paul Cubbon’s Blog. The variety of his posts offer different perspectives relating to marketing; however the post that caught my eye was one about a Sesame Street commercial.
Although the Sesame Street persona may initially evoke an era that has long died out, the video proves that Sesame Street is still culturally aware and on top of current trends.
Cubbon’s post, “Sesame Street meets Old Spice”, examines Sesame Street’s ability to reproduce a parody of the popular Old Spice commercials.
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/zkd5dJIVjgM/0.jpg)
As Cubbon notes in his blog, Sesame did the video “just right”, avoiding any innuendos that are too sexual or too adult. Sesame Street and Old Spice have both successfully expanded to an audience beyond their target market. The Old Spice commercials have attracted more than just their male-dominated target market by creating humorous commercials that people want to watch repeatedly.
Additionally, as Cubbon explains, Sesame Street has entertained their Preschooler market with Grover and tapped into the adult mind by parodying the ever-popular Old Spice commercial.
These ideas relate to similar concepts discussed in class pertaining to target markets and audiences. As we have examined, the “Baby Carrot” campaign had multiple types of packaging which was geared towards a variety of markets.
Ultimately, Cubbon’s discussion on the Sesame Street viral video proves that the ability to differentiate your marketing to attract different groups is an important factor in contemporary marketing.
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Great start, Kaylee. Like the visual clarity of your blog.
Nice first post. Paul’s got a great perspective. Try to add your own and build on what he’s saying. Do you agree? Can you add something else? I like how you linked this to what you’ve learned in class too.
Thank you so much for your insight, and I agree it’s important to also provide my own perspective. I have taken your suggestion and added a small blurb in the post!