I must admit something… Before I started marketing, I truly thought the subject was all about the innovation of catchy campaigns, witty commercials and funny advertisements. Well, let me say I have come a long way since that thought passed through my mind. Now when I think of marketing, SWOT tables, pricing strategies and situation analyses flash through my head. However, I still think that the promotional side of marketing is by-far the most interesting. Who wouldn’t want to sit at a desk and dream up crafty ways to sell a product?
Okay, maybe there is a bit more to promotion then dreaming up these ideas. Marketers have to keep in mind the various factors that influence promotions, consumers, and the communication process. One model that influences this is the AIDA model. When watching a commercial, the average consumer doesn’t see past the superficialities of the advertisement. As a marketing student, I have started to see past this, and have learned to analyze a commercial. In the AIDA model, there are four particular steps in moving a consumer towards action
Awareness is the first of these four steps. The following Subaru Forrester commercial is a great example of awareness, it starts off by catching the consumer’s attention with the “sexy” sumo wrestlers, and it informs consumers of the availability of this new and improved vehicle.
Interest is the second step in moving a customer towards action. I can’t think of a better example of an interest-sparking commercial than a movie trailer
Desire. Have you ever seen a commercial and then immediately wanted the product? Is it usually food? Whenever I think of a truly enticing commercial, the Carl’s Junior commercials come to mind. A thick, juicy burger being munched on by a hot celebrity ignites desire in anymore.
Action is the final step in the AIDA process. A great example of “action” is when the commercial causes a stir and tempts people to talk about the product. As I discussed a few weeks ago in a blog post, Miracle Whip did this by insulting their product in their own commercials!
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