Response to external article: “Volkswagen UK Caters to Dog Lovers with New #woofwagen Campaign”

Convince&Convert brought to my attention an interesting article on Volkswagen UK’s new ad campaign that features two of my favorite things: puns and dogs. The article debates whether it is wise to mix social media with traditional advertising. While social media marketing does require extra time and effort and does not allow the company much control over open consumer feedback available for everyone to see, I disagree that most people would complain over the commercial  being posted on the company’s Facebook page. Those types of pages are meant to provide updates and news for consumers and the commercial is relevant to that. I don’t see the problem with this particular commercial on social media; it is a light, cheerful commercial that would not be prone to controversy.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the commercial of different dog breeds enjoying a ride in various Volkswagen cars. I found it a refreshing change from the typical family friendly angle that most car commercials use. Personally, part of the appeal lies in the instant attraction I felt to the dogs, instantly bonding me to a car they were presented in. I even had images of myself cruising down the street in a Volkswagen, with my dog in the passenger seat wagging its tail and dripping drool all over the plush interior. Of course, the commercial didn’t create a profound lasting impact on me, but perhaps someday my vision will become a reality.