Accounting Policies Adopted in Coca-Cola 2012 Financial Statements

Basis of Presentation:
-consolidated financial statements
-involves estimates and assumptions
-use the equity method
-eliminate all significant inter company transactions

Principles of Consolidation:
-consolidates all entities that they control

Assets and Liabilities Held for Sale
-classifies long-lived assets to be sold as held for sale (if criteria are met)
-any loss resulting from this measurement is recognized
-gains are not recognized until the date of sale

Risks and Uncertainties
(a long list of variables noted here may be useful for other case studies)
-try to minimize the impact

Revenue Recognition
-recognized when title to products is transferred to bottling partners, resellers or other customers

Deduction from Revenue
-incentives to customers –> costs–> deductions from revenue (net operating revenues)

Advertising Costs
-count advertisement cost as of the first date the advertisements take place
-all other marketing expenditures: in the annual period in which the expenditure is incurred
-for interim reporting: allocate expenditures proportionally

Shipping and Handling Costs
-are included in the line item cost of goods

Net Income Per Share
-weighted average number

Cash Equivalents
-classify highly liquid investments as cash equivalents(0-3 months)

Short-Term Investments
-investments(3-12 months)

Investments in Equity and Debt Secuirities
-equity method

Trade Accounts Receivable
-record it at net realizable value

-valued at the lower of cost or market

Derivative Instruments
-risk management tool

Property, Plant and Equipment
-stated at cost
depreciation recorded by the straight-line method

Goodwill, Trademarks and Other Intangible Assets
-intangible assets: 1.with definite lives subject to amortization 2.indefinite lives not subject to amortization 3. goodwill

-legal proceedings and tax matters
-a liability

Stock-Based Compensation
-Black-Scholes_merton option-pricing model
-on a straight-line basis(?)

Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements
2012 Annual Report – The Coca Cola Company

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