[Response to Amal Hatmi] Shopping straight out of the fitting room

Blog Link: https://blogs.ubc.ca/amalhatmi/2013/11/13/shopping-straight-out-of-the-fitting-rooms-hms-answers-to-the-cumbersome-shopping-experience/

In this blog, Amal analyzed how the tactic came up and how this new shopping experience is able to encourage and stimulate purchasing from her experience as a customer, which is very true. Most customers of H&M receive medium to low level income and would probably prefer a shopping pattern like fast food — cheap and instant.  No one likes waiting in slow lines and for the sellers, long waiting line means higher chance to lose customers. What I appreciate Amal’s post most is that she pointed out something deeper than this — the new till system also encourages impulse shopping. Obviously dressing-room checkouts can significantly cut down customer’s time of hesitating, which targets a whole segment of customers who do not want to make shopping a time-consuming activity.

As a fashion store counting on high volume sales, H&M’s new check-out system, although might encounter some problems in the first few weeks, will definitely help H&M keep up with this fast-pacing time and serve a larger amount of customer with positive feedbacks.

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