
(Greig Reekie /Greig Reekie Photo)

Coca-Cola, the well-known beverage company, launched their “Freestyle” vending machine in May in Toronto. This machine allows customers to mix their very own drink with hundreds of brands that belongs to Coca-Cola. This personalized service creates customer loyalty, when it provides choices for its customers.

Customization is also a method to gather valuable data when it provides company information of customer preference. In this way, company can set up marketing and distribution plan for their products. The “Freestyle” vending machine introduces new brands that are not familiar in the Canadian market. It helps the company to gain awareness from the public.

The trend of customization is used broadly in the market, when companies acknowledge its importance. Luxury brand, such as Burberry, launched “Bespoke” for their customers to design their trenchcoat online. The company will also charge extra for everything that adds on personal design.  On the other hand, frozen yogurt store provides self-service when customers can choose their own toppings.

Customization is definitely a valuable method for the marketing campaign. It is not only use to satisfy customers, it can also benefit the company.

KRASHINSKY, SUSAN. “Custom-mix Your Own Coketail.” The Globe and Mail. N.p., 30  Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. <>.


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