HP Imposed Regulation to Reduce Underage Workers

hp china

Hewlett-Packard, like most technology companies, has its product produced in other countries by local supplier.  Most of these countries are developing countries with deficient legislation to protect employees.  A great amount of negative news has arose from the public in criticizing horrible working condition, very low wages, and recruitment of young workers.  The increasing concern makes HP limit its supplier’s use of student labors.

Products of HP and Apple are both supplied by Foxconn in China. As the corporate partner of these two world brands, the negative image of Foxconn somewhat reflect to the image of these two brands.   In order to maintain a positive image as a responsible corporate citizen, HP develops guidelines to ensure the standard of working.  It is common in China that college students are forced into internship in factory that is not what they are majored in.  To solve this problem, the company ensures that employees are  hired voluntarily and have the right to leave as they wished.

Unlike Marketing in decades ago, new Marketing strategies focus not only on product and consumer service, but also how company affects and add values into the society. Ethic is now a major part when setting up a Marketing plan, especially when it can be a competitive advantage of a company. A good ethical image can positively promote the company which result a long term success.

source: http://money.cnn.com/2013/02/08/technology/hp-china-student-labor/index.html

image: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/dam/assets/130208052425-hp-china-monster.jpg