Reflection on COMM 296

COMM 296 helped me to have a better understanding of Marketing.  With more knowledge in Marketing, I realized that Marketing is not only about commercials and advertisements.  Even though it is important to bring out a creative advertisement to promote the brand/product, the most important part is making it effective and attractive to the right people.  Behind those creative ideas, it is essential to gather information such as target market, Marketing mix, SWOT, etc. to ensure the advertisement is going in a right direction.

All new knowledge we learned in lectures would be used during group activities. It is extremely interesting to play with real commercial goods, such as water bottles and products from the “price guessing” game.  This helps us understand how things we learned in the class are applied on real products.

The most interesting part is making a video for our project. This is my first time to do a presentation in video form.  Unlike usual presentation, the video helps convey our ideas and messages more effectively and appealing.  Through reviewing other groups’ videos, we can learn from others’ strengths for future improvement.