Wal-Mart is expanding its on-line market

In past few years, more and more customers choose to purchase online. Wal-Mart discovers that half of its consumers choose to shop online when there was only a quarter five years ago. Online shopping businesses make life easier when they are selling almost everything with lower price, from grocery to luxury good.

After acknowledging the importance of online shopping, Wal-Mart budgets for the development for its very own online-shopping site. It works on the concept “Endless Aisle”. It allows consumers to reserve products that are out of stock with their smartphone. The company wants to use app to allow its consumer to order online and pick up their purchase at store. The Pay With Cash program is introduced for consumers who do not have credit card, that they can pay with cash when they go to pick up their purchase.

In the generation with advanced technology, lots of companies are affected by on-line shopping businesses. Customers are now more willing to purchase on-line when it is more convenience. This is the reason for Wal-Mart to explore the new market.

Welch, David. “Why Wal-Mart Is Worried About Amazon.” Businessweek. N.p., 29 Mar. 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. <http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-03-29/why-wal-mart-is-worried-about-amazon#r=lr-fst>.

Picture: http://www.umg.ua/upload/pdf_file/internet_shopping.jpg

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