Response to Rachael Reddy’s post “Employers favour English-Sounding Names”

I find it astonishing how the sound of a name can justify your employability. I completely agree with Rachael’s belief that choosing English sounding names rather than foreign ones is an unethical business practice as well as a form of discrimination.

Here’s a link to Racheal’s post

This problem is somewhat inevitable. These types of discrimination happen in the workplace every day.  For example, men are typically hired over women just because companies don’t want to pay for maternity leaves. That’s just the way it is. In this instance the business does not want to have any sort of liability pertaining to the fact that their employee cannot communicate with the customers efficiently. Therefore, someone with a non-English sounding name gets stereotyped into being unable to speak English properly.

Businesses are somewhat “too harsh” in the weeding out process during hiring. Unfortunately for the business, it can allow them to overlook a perfect candidate for their specific position. Companies should not hire people based on their ethnic background, a company should hire someone for their quality of work, past experiences and by how qualified they are to the job.

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