Company’s Positioning

Companies can never avoid competitions in today’s extremely competitive market. In order to stand out among all other competitors, companies must first know how to position themselves clearly and uniquely before they can succeed. Below are some examples of how competitors position themselves differently from others.

McDonalds vs. KFC

McDonalds and KFC are two famous world fast food brands. They compete in each and every way in today’s fast food industry. However, they position themselves differently. McDonalds primarily sells hamburgers, cheese burgers, breakfast items, etc., whereas KFC primarily sells chicken pieces, wraps, sandwiches, etc. McDonalds brand’s core is to provide cheap and fast food with a high level of service, whereas the brand’s core for KFC is to provide tasty chicken for acceptable price.

I found this very interesting picture above from this website:

Scope vs. Listerine

Scope and Listerine are two brands that sell mouth wash. A lot of researches have been conducted in investigating the different positioning of the two mouth wash brands. Scope’s mouth wash is relatively tasty, whereas Listerine’s mouth wash lakes flavor. Scope delivers a message that tasty mouth wash can definitely kills germs as well, whereas Listerine tries to convince customers that non-tasty mouth wash does a much better job in killing germs in the mouth.

WestJet vs. Air Canada

WestJet and Air Canada are two major air lines in Canada. WestJet offers more national and short-distance flights, whereas Air Canada provides much more international flights. WestJet is a problem solver; they are willing to help people and make people happy and satisfied, whereas Air Canada focuses on connecting Canada with the world.

Overall, each company has different positioning, which makes it perform better in one or more particular fields. Customers choose the company according to how they value the particular fields that the company is performing well at.

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