Linking Assignment #2

Linking Assignment #2 – Task 3: Melissa Santos
For this linking assignment, I enjoyed reading Melissa’s Task 3 submission about her daughter’s birthday party experience. When I first read the story, my eyes were drawn to 70 girls (which Melissa later clarified was meant to be seven years old), and I was trying to wrap my brain around having 70 girls over for a birthday party, which made me laugh!

I thought Melissa’s speech to text overall made sense, and I could easily follow the story she was sharing about the day. Also, I commend her for all the great activities she planned for her daughter’s party – from origami to colouring canvas pouches and designing washer necklaces; it sounded fabulous! I agree with Melissa’s comment about forgetting to say specific punctuation cues; otherwise, it turns into a long paragraph (which is quite annoying). I also made the same mistake while completing this task.

One piece of Melissa’s writing that resonated with me was her explanation that without completing this task, a written record of her daughter’s birthday would not exist. As she mentions, she may have shared verbally or shown photos of the party itself – but nothing may have been documented summarizing the entire day. I think of many important events that have happened, and often we capture them through photographs or video; however, do the minor details get lost because they are not physically written down? I admire the people that write a daily journal because I genuinely feel those memories and emotions may fade over time without written documentation.

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