Linking Assignment #4

Linking Assignment #4 – Erin Duchesne’s Task 7: Mode Bending

For this assignment, I chose Erin Duchesne’s Task 7. I was drawn to her mode-bending task because I thought she did an excellent job recreating her initial work using TikTok. In addition, I’ve never personally used TikTok before, and I was curious how she felt creating content for this type of task.

Erin shared that the assignment put her out of her comfort zone, and through her work, I learned that you could add different background voices as voiceovers to enhance your video. Just by her description, I can tell the amount of time and effort she put in to create her final product, and I appreciated her sense of humour in describing the different items in her bag and her song choice. It was upbeat and fun to listen to!

Overall, I felt her work encouraged me to rethink how social media platforms such as TikTok could enhance educational activities and connect with students to showcase their creative side through a popular platform.

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