Linking Assignment #5

Linking Assignment #5 – Sage Capogreco’s Task 9: Network Assignment

For Linking Assignment #5, I chose to look at Sage Capogreco’s Task 9: Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data. I appreciated Sage’s write-up’s thoughtful detail in hypothesizing why our classmates chose the songs they did. In addition, she shared which tracks were the most popular: Track 18: Fifth symphony (first movement)”, and “Track 3: Percussion (Senegal).”

However, similar to the questioning I shared in my assignment, we both wondered or wished that further data could have been collected to explore the reasoning behind the song selection since there was such a vast array of song choices. It was interesting because Sage shared that she ‘I justified these choices because I wanted a variety of geographical locations and I wanted to prioritize cultural impact.’ Whereas for me, I simply picked the songs I thought had a catchy beat and were enjoyable to listen to. I enjoyed reading her reasoning and her explanation was not something I had considered before, therefore emphasizing even more how interesting it would be to learn our peer’s reasoning behind their song choices.

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