Category Archives: Task 9

Task 9: Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data

I have to admit, the idea of understanding ‘what is the web and what is not’ was a concept I hadn’t considered, nor understood the complexity of how online data is collected and redistributed according to algorithms when we search on platforms such as Google. For this assignment, our Golden Record song list data was uploaded to the platform Palladio to display connections between song choices on our graph. Unfortunately, from a technology struggle standpoint, for whatever reason, the file data would not upload into the program correctly. After multiple attempts, a few computer restarts, and even uploading the information on my husband’s computer, I determined that perhaps the internet didn’t want me to understand how it redistributes algorithms and generates data. However, thankfully Trista was able to save the day and share my musical graph data with me via Zoom. 

Initially, looking at the graph, it was challenging to determine what the different nodes meant in correlation with the link lines. However, after exploring the connections further, I realized that our class song choices were intertwined based on our selected Golden Record top ten songs. After zooming in and carefully examining the connected pieces, I was surprised to see songs I had chosen that I assumed would have several connections but didn’t have as many as I thought. In contrast, songs that I had not picked based on personal preference were well received by many of my peers! I chose the songs based on what sounded beautiful or catchy, and it was the first time my husband was eager to help me with an assignment for the MET program (so thank you, Ernesto, for that!) It would have been fascinating if the data could have elaborated more on the reasoning behind song choice (perhaps a checklist) so we could see further connections on why we chose the songs we did. That would be a great way to see if others felt similar to what I did about a song because, as Dick Clark coined, ‘Music is the soundtrack to your life’. 

References (2017, June 13). The Internet: How Search Work.[Video]. YouTube.

Nat and Friends. (2016, December 16). A Journey To The Bottom Of The Internet. [Video]. YouTube.