Common Themes of Home

Everyone had varying views and opinions on what home meant to them, but most people had similar underlying factors that they considered when choosing what home was to them. Home isn’t simply the place you are living in, the place your mail ends up, or where you rest your head at night. In fact, almost nobody chose their residence as their home. Home is much more than your residence.

Everyone has to connect with their home in some way. Whether it’s a mountain top, a neighbourhood they grew up in, or somewhere else, there’s always a strong connection to the place. There are memories that have been formed here. It could be that they have spent every year there since they were young, or because they had their first, or their best there.

When people arrive at their home, they feel a sense of relief. They can stop worrying about what is going on, and they can be their true selves. Gone is the worry about what others are doing, what’s happening elsewhere; replacing those feelings are ones of comfort and peace. Many people talked about how they are more relaxed when they are at home, wherever it may be. Home is a special place, and it invokes special feelings within us when we are there.

One common thread amongst many of the articles was the connection to nature. In this digital world, it’s still nature that many people retreat to when they want to feel at home. I personally feel at home in nature the most, and am pleasantly surprised to see that so many others do as well. It’s good to see that even today we can still appreciate the natural beauty of this world, and put away our electronics long enough to properly appreciate it and feel at home.

I enjoyed reading about everyone’s feelings about home, and what it meant for them. This assignment has me wanting to return to home once again, and enjoy everything it has to offer.


Work cited

James Long. “Literal Home away from Home.”

No Author. “A Sense of Home.”

Melissa Kuipers. “Where we Grow.”

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