External blog introduction

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Among the external business blogs I read after class,Kathleen Davis is one of my favourite bloggers. Kathleen Davis is the former associate editor at  Entrepreneur.com, and she has posted the blog since Sep,2012.Her blogs correspond with COMM 101 a lot.It covers from entrepreneurs,leadership,growth strategies,marketing ,finance and even technology. Her blogs is short overall but is accompanied with a lot of graphs which made the whole post vivid. I indeed learn some useful techniques to write blogs from hers.Here are some exapmles from her blog.

Like indicated in the post http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/225560 ,what really motivates the employees. This can be linked to the bonus motivation we learnt during lecture and  it also introduces  other incentives, like autonomy ,mastery and purpose. These strategies will not only promote the employees to work more efficiently,but make the employees to be more loyalty to the company as well.

http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/228690, in this article, Kathleen talks about ten leadership lessons. This can be linked to the lecture on starting-up a business and the Sauder alumni. For example,the number 3 advice (Don’t be selfish) can be linked to the presentation given by alumni talks about to satisfy both you and your partner.

Overall, this blog is concise , up-to -date ,comprehensive and can be regarded a supplement to our lecture.