iPods: Slowly Being Phased Out?

While browsing through the blogroll for my section, I came across an entry onĀ Olivia Krieger’s blog that piqued my interest. Upon reading it, I recalled that a clicker question earlier in the week had sparked a very similar discussion; how concerned is Apple with the sale of iPods?

According to the statistics provided, iPod sales have been declining despite Apple’s growing dominance in the technology industry. I agree with the points made in Olivia’s blog regarding the diminishing purpose of owning an iPod. Today, there are a multitude of alternate methods to access music, whether it be streaming from platforms like SoundCloud or downloading third party apps such as Songza.

In most situations, companies should take advantage of opportunities for innovation in order to appeal to wider sections of their consumer base. For Apple, however, I feel like attempting to reinvent or restore attention to iPods would be a poor decision. Recent sales for iPods should be of little concern Apple considering that iPhones and iPads essentially provide the same functions and are much more prevalent in today’s society.



Source: http://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/is-the-ipod-beginning-its-slow-demise/


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