A New Approach for McDonalds

McDonald’s is currently taking steps in order to improve their customer service, starting with the addition of a new drive-thru window.  This year’s average drive-thru time was nine seconds slower than the industry average, and was an all-time company low. In an attempt to facilitate the process speed, the chain is testing a “Fast Forward Drive-Thru” which allows customers to drive to a third stop if their orders are not ready.


Instead of introducing new items to the menu, US McDonald’s president Jeff Stratton wants to focus on “restructuring the production process.”  I feel that this is a very strategically viable move on McDonald’s part. A large part of their brand image puts an emphasis on speed and efficiency. Responding directly to recent customer concerns and acknowledging previous mistakes will likely improve people’s impressions of the business.   By catering to the customer’s needs, it will in turn strengthen their value proposition and improve customer relations.

(Image Source)


Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/15/mcdonalds-drive-thru_n_4280859.html?utm_hp_ref=business

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