I don’t care what it is, but please take my money

is a sentence that you hardly hear from anyone. As we learned in the comm marketing class, campaigns need to establish key things like points of parity, points of difference, and frames of reference in order to be successful. These are simple, straightforward, and pretty much basic to every marketing campaign. After learning of this, I began to think of these points while watching ads on TV or online, and this particular one caught my attention.

DeLites is an Australian brand of snack crisps, like Triscuit but with cool accents and kangaroos, and I bet you that you didn’t know that, even after watching the video. But I bet you still want to buy it. I think what’s interesting about this video is the fact that it takes a very creative approach to stripping marketing down to the very very basics of its function: letting people know that it is a product worth buying. DeLites doesn’t bother with saying that it is equally as delicious as Triscuit, nor do they assert that their flavors are more unique than other brands; they simply assert that their product is desirable enough to warrant the silly things people will do for them. I definitely think this is a successful marketing campaign, and it just goes to show that breaking the rules and thinking outside of the box is worth it if you know what you’re doing.

Meanwhile, the marketing guys at Klondike are beating themselves up for not thinking of this themselves.

1 thought on “I don’t care what it is, but please take my money

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