
Like Sarah who sympathized with Occupy Wall Street, I am equally frustrated that corporate greed is almost in as much control as political diplomats are. However, I must agree that no substantial changes may come out of the movement. As Sarah stated, the Occupy movements have went global, but unlike its inspiration who actually has something to protest about, the other occupy movements appear superficial.

Occupy Vancouver began its peaceful approach last Saturday to challenge income inequality between the “1%” and “99%”. However, the protest itself unlike its predecessor appears to have no real direction. “As a group we still don’t know what we want, but I see it as an exercise in democracy.” – Occupy Vancouver Protestor

Occupy Vancouver wants “genuine equality” amongst the classes; this left wing reflection appears rather hypocritical if the protestors want to “exercise in democracy.” Why should a successful entrepreneur who went through the rigorous routines of higher education and hard work, be paid the same hourly wage as your dishwasher? Rather than compare the earnings between the 1% and 99%, we should acknowledge that the “1%” are already being taxed to support EI and welfare. Laws/tax regulations are already in place to attempt to achieve equilibrium.

On Monday, it’s interesting to note that Occupy Vancouver had items including “Apple laptops with Final Cut Pro” on their wishlist, though currently said items have now been removed, protestors must have realized their hypocrisy. Occupy Vancouver requires a better platform if they truly want to break the apathy of Vancouverites.

Article: Here

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