How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice.


This November, the Coca-Cola company repackaged its traditional red can to white in honour of the company’s new “Arctic Home” campaign. This commitment in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), pledges Coca-Cola to donate $2 million to the WWF over 5 years to help fund the latter’s Arctic conservation program. The commitment is complemented by another $1 million maximum in 2012 to match consumer donations.

The “Arctic Home” campaign is not just corporate social responsibility in practice, it is also a cleverly designed marketing strategy on Coca-Cola’s part. Using the polars bears concept in its advertisements for years, Coca-Cola’s product repackaging is able to preserve the brand image without risking a disincentive of becoming “unrecognizable.”

Applying concepts from class, we learned that “smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage.” The Coca-Cola company did just that. The Arctic Home campaign allows Coca-Cola to strengthen its brand reputation and instill awareness amongst consumers. With every Coca-Cola product purchase a consumer makes, he/she will be aware that the purchase holds greater value now that Coca-Cola will be donating some of its proceeds. This newfound awareness will encourage the consumer to choose Coca-Cola over others; we may call this a differentiation strategy.

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