Final Project

For my final project, I decided to look at using the website, Story Bird, as a literacy tool for my students at school.

I created a video that is intended for my students which explains how Story Bird works and how they use it as a creative and fun writing tool.

I have also included an analysis of using Story Bird as an educator with some important criteria when evaluating a resource in technology.


When analyzing “Story Bird” as a resource for literacy some important evaluation criteria can be considered:

Impact On Student Learning

-Storybird offers picture books for digital reading and writing

-efficiently enhances writing proficiency through observation, interaction,

literacy, comprehension, and fluency.

-English Language Learners (ELL) develop English language proficiency academically


Storybird has four options for payment: Individual $8.99/month, Individual $59.88/year, School Plan, or District Plan. Printing, publishing, books and artwork purchase involve additional costs.


Personal information users provide at registration include name and email address -information is used to do internal research on our users’ demographics, interests, and behaviour to better understand, protect and serve the Story bird community

 Bias to Schools who have monetary funds

Storybird supports family involvement for younger learners at home, education of English language arts is suggested to emphasis core teaching

-The drawback is that schools and students who have little monetary resources to afford Story Bird or the additional printing of books cannot use it

Alternate languages other than English

-Story Bird does not provide books that are written in languages other than English

-if you’re an educator, you can work with students in a language of their choice separately

Digital Literacy Tool Encouragement

Internet is required to use Storybird

-English language development can empower learners in both reading and writing

User Diversity

Storybird users include: family members, teachers, students, friends, authors, artists, amateurs and professionals

Storybird presents multiple layers of portrayed diversity within their graphic images

Ease of Use

Storybird is easy to use for every user even younger learners

-there is Help Guidance and How To videos to support users at becoming more adept in using Storybird

Each segment of Storybird is clear with simple step by step instructions

The appearance of the website is clear and easily navigated as long as the user is literate in English


-Mobile phones, desktop computers and especially iPad/iPhone/tablet are great access for Storybird


Storybird is a wonderful online tool for teaching and learning in Language Arts. The literacy program enables users move the process of writing and creating in a fun and engaging way.  It can be a great way for teachers and students to access learning in Language Arts as their work can be saved for re-reading and review.



Story Bird (2020, Jan 8). Story Bird.

Terada, Y. (2020, May 4). A Powerful Model for Understanding Good Tech Integration. Edutopia.


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