Autonomy (Anderman and Anderman, 2010)
Anderman, E. M. & Anderman, L. H. (2010). Classroom motivation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson (see Chapters 7 (promoting autonomy, pp. 111-129) and 11 (motivational classrooms for all learners, pp. 186-205)). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill.
This chapter is a great overview of autonomy in the classroom: how to support it, and why we should bother. It also focuses quite a bit on the provisions of choice as a way of accomplishing that. One of the great things about this article is how it lays out the different kinds of choice that we should consider when planning our time and activities in class. Included are: within-task choices, between-task choices and the choice of where to work. As well, it talks about using choice and autonomy to build a better classroom environment, such as by making choice a private matter so that students are not swayed in their choices by peer pressure, or by allowing students to build their own classroom charter.