SRL and The Physical Space
In speaking with practicing teachers, and in my own experience as well, I have come to understand that one very powerful way to encourage community and engagement in the classroom environment is to encourage that the students take ownership of their space. The classroom is their class. As a side benefit to encouraging closeness and community, this also is a great technique for keeping the physical space and materials in order. When students feel that they own their space, that they belong in it, I have come to believe that this will predict engagement, good peer relationships, and greater motivation to learn. I can encourage my students to take ownership in this way through a class constitution, daily jobs, and by making space for each student to work, and to have their work displayed. As well, the prepared environment is crucial, particularly in a Montessori context where students are working so independently of the teacher. Creating an inviting classroom full of materials and things to explore will encourage students to make choices for their learning, rather than the choice to disengage.
I’m of the mind that a good physical space will support learning, be that related to choice, to social and emotional needs, or simply by minimizing distractions. As well, what is essential for one may be good for all when it comes to student needs.
The Alberta Government has put together a wonderful go-to environmental checklist for classrooms. I was asked to complete one on two occasions during observations, and I found it to not only be potentially very useful to the teacher of a classroom, but also to guide my observation to details I may have overlooked.
The checklist can be found here, and asks crucial questions such as “Are signs and pictures at the eye level of students?”, and “Is a private, secluded space available where students can work quietly by themselves or use as a safe place to calm down?” I will definitely be referring to this checklist when I am setting up my classroom(s) in the future.