Surrealist Collage Mini Unit Plan
Surrealist Art Collage Project
Reflection and ideas: I introduced this project to my grade 6/7 class as a mini art project. The results were mixed. The exquisite characters worked well as a sponge activity for the students who had already finished the project my SA had assigned. It was a good transition, and the kids had a lot of fun making them. The invitation to be totally silly, as well as to work collaboratively, made everyone feel successful and took the pressure off for those students who don’t feel very successful in art.
I made a powerpoint to present the collage project, introducing the ideas of surrealism, the history, etc. I showed some examples of surrealist art, and surrealist collage. I introduced the concept of juxtaposition, and we looked for examples as a class in the art I showed them. Some students really took these ideas to heart, and it showed in their work. Others were more confused, or less serious. I see this as a mistake that I made, encouraging the silliness at the beginning. While this made the project fun, many didn’t take it very seriously. However, those who did take it seriously both had fun and created beautiful work.
I ran into an issue with a couple students using inappropriate images (booze, weapons, etc.). Unfortunately these images are a part of the advertisements in the magazines from the art room, and in most magazines available today. I had a conversation with the students, and they covered up or recreated their work without much fuss. Middle school is an age of testing boundaries, but I consistently have found that if you treat students respectfully in these situations without shaming them, small problems like this are easily solved.
People participate in the arts for a variety of reasons:
- to learn and play
- to communicate
- to honour rites of passage
- to define, strengthen, and preserve culture and heritage
- to nurture the emotional, social, intellectual, physical, and spiritual self.
Total Classes: 3-5
Surrealist Art Collage:
Grade 6:
A3 create images using particular visual elements and principles of design — including rhythm, asymmetrical balance, and space — to produce a variety of effects
A4 manipulate selected materials, technologies, and processes to create images scribed Learning Outcomes Suggested Achievement Indicators
A5 create 2-D and 3-D images − that reflect art styles from a variety of social, historical, and cultural contexts
Grade 7:
A1 use a variety of image sources to create images, including observation, emotions, ideas and concepts, imagination, memories, and sensory experiences
A2 create images using a range of image-development strategies, including: juxtaposition, metamorphosis, distortion, exaggeration
A5 create 2-D and 3-D images that incorporate the styles of selected artists from a variety of social, historical, and cultural contexts
Intro: Look at images by surrealist artists including:
The Son of Man – Rene Magritte
The Listening Room – Rene Magritte
The Persistence of Memory – Salvador Dali
The Elephants – Salvador Dali
Shirley Temple,The Youngest, Most Sacred Monsterof the Cinema in Her Time – Salvador Dali
Observatry Time – Man Ray (Exclude The Lovers, which is paired with this photo but is not classroom appropriate)
History of Surrealism: Movement began in the 1920’s. Features include the element of surprise, juxtaposition, and non sequitur. Instead of simply painting reality, artists of this movement attempted to express their visions or dreams through their art work. Surrealism was also a movement in literature and philosophy. It treated art as a way of expressing imagination and thought rather than reality.
What was happening in the world?
- WW1 had just ended
- Sigmun Freud was psychoanalyzing and treating patients with shell shock, attempting to delve into their unconscious and analyze dreams.
The project:
Intro Day Project: Exquisite Characters: Fold a piece of paper into three equal parts. 1st person draws a head of a creature in the top section. They continue their drawing just far enough into the next section that Person 2 knows where to begin. Person 2 draws the body. Repeat, with person 3 drawing the legs. An exquisite character is born!
- Using collage, painting, drawing, photography, or a combination of these things, create an image in the surrealist style. You may choose to find a landscape in a magazine and use that as a background.
- Write an artist’s statement or a description to go along with your work. Include the vocabulary you have learned in this unit including at least three of the following: juxtaposition, surreal, distortion, metamorphosis, asymmetry, and exaggeration. Make reference in you statement to at least one of the artists or works that you looked at in the beginning that influenced or inspired your work.