What is Samsung? Oh, Apple’s tail

In April 2011 the South Korean Apple sued Samsung for plagiarizing the design of

its iPhone and iPad tablet phones. Samsung responded with a countersuit, accusing Apple of also violating its patents. According to Apple, consumers have bought more iPhone and iPad models if Samsung had not offered a similar aesthetic model and therefore South Korea claimed a compensation of U.S $2500 million in damages. Samsung fought providing internal documents to corroborate phone working on that design before Apple’s launch to the market. The case went to the U.S. courts in 2012 and a jury ended up giving Apple the right.

The South Korean company was ordered to pay compensation to its competitor to U.S $1,000 million, leading to this main comment, which is correct because Samsung’s popularity is based on the theft of Apple’s originality. After reading Badenhausen’s article, I can say that innovation just doesn’t go along with Samsung as they admitted, in other words, that their culture is based on a imitation strategy. Apple is constantly creating new technology, which makes them a real technology company.



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