Introduction to Marketing!

For those who doesn’t know me, my name is Katie Dergousoff and I am a second year Commerce Student at the Sauder School of Business. To those of you who do know me….. hey!!

Apart from Comm296 being a mandatory course for all Sauderites, I’m taking intro to marketing because I find the fields of marketing and advertising to be a fascinating and fast-moving environment. I remember being young, sitting with my Gramma and laughing over the old-fashioned ads in her old magazines and newspapers, comparing them to the commercials on TV….

While I am a firm believer that marketing applies to everything that we interact with and every one we interact with, I will be focusing this blog particularly on marketing within the fashion and makeup industries. Since I currently spend most of my marketing skills on promoting my own self, I believe that this is a good place to start, and a great way to share what I have learned in my intro Marketing course! I also apologize in advance for when I wander off the marketing theme, I guess this is my first whole-hearted adventure into blogging!

1 thought on “Introduction to Marketing!

  1. Hi Katie, you mention marketing yourself…in what capacity? Are you a make up artist, a model, a fashion designer, selling magazines? It is fun going back and looking at ads from years ago and then comparing them to now. Not just the pictures but the copy. There is a great program on CBC radio called Age of Persuasion and it talks all about marketing…how it got its roots. I noticed that you read the New Yorker so maybe you may be open to a little CBC too! \

    Welcome to marketing and I hope you learn a lot to help you with your own promotion.


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