Business Ethics Post

Due to their patent, Myriad Genetics has a monopoly on the genetic testing of the BRCA1 gene in the USA. This test gives women insight on their chance of developing breast cancer in the future. If a mutilated BRCA1 gene is detected, the woman would be able to take the necessary precautions for her future.

The service Myriad is providing to their customers has the potential to save lives, yet they are charging $4,000 for one test. In a country where the GDP per capita is about 50,000, how many people can afford it? They are able to charge this ridiculous price and still make profits due to their patent.

Personally I find this unethical. I don’t think a private company should be able to patent a human gene for the sake of the citizens. In a free market society, the goal is to maximize profits, and some companies are willing to do this at all costs. There is a problem when a company has a monopoly for a service that has that much value to society. I am glad there is an ongoing lawsuit against Myriad and I hope the decision is based on morality, not greed.

NY Times Article: