I Guess All Marketers Don’t Practice Ethics

It is hard for me to comprehend why the marketers chose this advertisement to represent their company, Dolce and Gabbana. The marketers are obviously appealing to sex, an activity much of the youth seems to be obsessed with. Yet the image the consumers see is basically a rape scene: a shirtless man is holding down the lady whilst the three other men are watching.

I think they were trying to send the message that “people who wear Dolce and Gabbana clothes have intercourse,” but I can’t believe a member of the company did not stand up and advocate against the advertisement. As we saw with the Sauder Frosh incident, rape is no joke and not to be taken lightly.

I really don’t think publishing this image would be worth the extra sales it would cause. I believe the big companies should be promoting ideas that benefit society in their advertisements, such as preserving the environment. At the very least don’t publicize such a horrible offense. This example shows me that some marketers don’t care about the message portrayed in their ads as long as it sells their product.

(got the image from google images)

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