The New Digital Age Affects Jobs at Yellow Media

Yellow Media, best known for it’s Yellow Pages phone books is in the process of cutting roughly 300 jobs by early 2014. The cut-backs stem from the company’s desire to turn more digital. Company CFO Ginelle Maille says the Montreal based company is “changing the dynamics of [their workforce in order to] accelerate digital media growth”. According to the company 43% of revenues come from the digital frontier.

In addition to the cut-backs, Yellow Media will be ushering in 45 year old CEO Julien Billot on January 1st to replace long time CEO Marc Tellier. Billot will be leaving his Head of Media Division position at Solocal Group. After months of searching, Yellow Media believes that Billot will be able to lead the company into the digital media age after his experience with Solocal (formerly known as PagesJuane Group) a company with similar services.

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