IKEA Canada Buys Wind Turbine Farm in Alberta

Swedish furniture giant IKEA, has decided that IKEA Canada will purchase a 20 turbine wind farm site in Alberta. The far should be completed by late 2014, and will cost roughly $90-million dollars. The buy is part of IKEA’s goal to become completely energetically self sufficient by a target date of 2020. The southern Alberta wind farm will be the second largest in IKEA’s arsenal, after one of the many in Europe. 

From an outsider perspective I believe it’s a fantastic idea; not many companies can say they’re not worried about the cost of energy going up, but now IKEA can. Being completely self-sufficient is an advantage is a sense that the company runs itself. From a consumer’s view it also gives IKEA a “greener” view. Using wind turbines is more environmentally responsible than other sources of energy, and it portrays a very unique and fresh view of the company. I don’t see much of a down sound, the company is it’s own boss in a sense when it comes to energy supply. IKEA is a perfect example of a sustainable company, and if it keeps making decisions like these will be successful for a long time.

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