Dear First Semester

Dear First Semester,

I want to thank you.

At first you intimidated me with your unnervingly picturesque mountains, your navy-blue lanyards, and never-ending piles of to-do lists. But I got over that, and I thank you because even though this year was shitty, first semester, you taught me more about myself, my strengths and my weaknesses. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not ignorant of the fact that a misogynistic, toupee wearing cheese puff gained electoral power, but thanks to you I know I’m going to be okay. I know now that although there are stressful all-nighters and disappointing grades there are Dance Moms Tuesdays and people who will sing Hooked on a Feeling with you in a hot tub, because Hooked on A Feeling is a really good song. And I thank you because when I looked out of the window on Monday you turned my life into a sugar coated wonderland and reminded me that there are friends out there who will go to Denny’s with you, just because, and run in the snow with you at 6am just because.

So just in case you didn’t get the message, First Semester

Thank you

And I can’t wait to see what Second Semester brings

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