Own Business

Today, our group from COMM 101 class had a meeting for our presentation next week, and what I have learned from this meeting is that IT IS HARD TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!

We are doing the business plan for a fitness center, and the problem we had was that balance sheet. Owning a business is often glorified as the dream of young people. It is one of the few opportunities in life to truly dig in with hard work and dedication to realize a dream. However, having lived this process firsthand I also know that this is an obviously over simplified description. We have to concern all the costs, and in depth of our hearts, we were trying really hard to reduce all the cost (by giving the minimum wages to our employees T.T)

We will only get out of it what we put into it, therefore we have to put us completely into this case, and assuming us as the owners of this fitness center, I realize that there are many things we have to concern about, and we even decided to not have an office because we do not have enough money T.T

I am definitely not that kinda of guy who wants to take the risk, and staring business is hard for me, i would rather than sitting in my office and playing all those numbers as an accountant 🙂

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