Asia’s Sin City- Literally

The city that was once a forgotten speck in China, has expanded into a gambling wonderland. Macau has taken the spot as the World’s top gambling venue, as their turnover last year was 6 times of the old Sin City, Las Vegas.



The new dominance of the casino scene is due to the ever flowing stream of Chinese mainlanders that fly over to escape the Communist government’s ban on casinos. Due to the tight grip China holds on gambling debt collection, many resort to finding junketeers to help them slip through currency controls and discreet debt collecting.

Macau has less heavily regulated casinos where they don’t question who and how people spend their money. Transactions are much easier to make in this city compared to Las Vegas.

This act of “turning a blind eye” as long as they’re making money is not socially responsible, and may be costly and dangerous to certain individuals, however is probably the factor that boosted them to their level of success. Although aware of the fact that many customers should be questioned of their money and transactions, the Macau gambling empire would much rather ignore such realities and bask in their newfound glory.




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