Let’s Go For Lunch!

The Women for Women’s annual lunch fundraiser is the result of the hard work and determination of Colleen Moorehead and Sylvia Chrominska. The two finance experts have dreamt up an inspiring fundraising event for a great cause- money for women’s health care.

In light of the recent class on Social Enterprise, these women have done what many social entrepreneurs have done, utilized their expertise in business to aid others. Although not primarily for profit, Colleen and Sylvia had a passion for women’s health and it’s awareness. 

The funds taken from the lunches are helping fund research and health-care programs at the Women’s College Hospital. 

These impactful leaders have created a program of awareness for their community out of their business expertise in finance and human resources, which has the potential to help countless lives.

This is an excellent example of strong business leaders creating a business driven program, in hopes of helping a greater cause. It’s quite inspiring to see that more and more business owners aim to help those in need instead of solely focusing on profit and maximizing revenues. Well done ladies.





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