
Technology dominates the modern world, and hashtags are starting to dominate the social media world. In Abhilasha Gnawali’s blogpost “The Power in #Hash Tags”, Starbucks is an example of a company that has taken advantage of the rising popularity of hashtags.

The reason for the popularity boom for the use of hashtags is a mystery to me, however, companies have adapted quickly. Like Abhilasha mentioned, establishments such as Starbucks have already integrated contests or promotions eligible for those who use their hashtags on media such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

This helps shift their brand positioning as Starbucks will be consistently viewed as a more modern or tech-savvy company, thus appealing to a younger age market in addition to their already enormous middle-aged working class consumer pool.

Starbucks will also save a considerable amount on marketing as Starbucks drinks are widely documented in photos and uploaded onto apps such as Instagram, popular with the younger generations. Photos by customers coupled with hashtags tagging the company and promoting drinks (done by the hashtag #PSL, for pumpkin spice latte) will lead to free marketing of products. 

Yet another example of companies utilizing changing media and technology to their advantage! Let the consumers unknowingly advertise for you, good thinking Starbucks.



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