Breakfast- Cheerios

YouTube Preview Image How it’s made! You can see just how much energy goes into grinding, baking, drying, and sorting cereal. Although Cheerios are healthier and better for than envrionment then some other cereals (frosted flakes, fruit loops) they still require alot of calories of energyto make. 

Richard Manning-“The grinding, milling, wetting, drying, and baking of a breakfast cereal requires about four calories of energy for every calorie of food energy it produces. A two-pound bag of breakfast cereal burns the energy of a half-gallon of gasoline in its making.” potential metaphor for how cereal affects the environment….or just stupid!? You be the judge….


The wrappers of many popular cereals seem to be a danger not only to the environment (landfills), but also to the health of the cereal’s consumers. Here is a link to an online article concerning the Kellogg’s Cereal Recall due to the packaging. Methylnaphthalene, an organic carbon used in the packaging of Kellogg’s cereal was found to be the reason for many customer complaints of feelings nausea, ill, and dizzy after eating or smelling the cereal.

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