Week #3

Posted by in Community Field Experience

180 pages later...Voila!

180 pages later…Voila!

Today marks the conclusion of my Community Field Experience (CFE) with Surrey School District’s Community-Schools Partnership (C-SP) department.  I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work alongside this diverse and dynamic district to develop the curriculum for a new after-school program for youth identified as at-risk.  With the creative energy of fellow Teacher Candidates, I was able to complete a detailed activity guide for the months of September to June, composed of hands-on lessons to support the program’s core themes.  Having so much time to work on one project has really allowed me to create a product that I am proud of.  It’s a rewarding feeling to know that the curriculum we have designed will be piloted next September at Lena Shaw Elementary.

Overall, this experience enabled me to explore education beyond the traditional classroom setting as well as develop a more holistic view of teaching and learning.  During my three-week practicum, I visited several C-SP sites to experience and participate in existing programs, including Strongstart, which supports early learning, CONNECT, with an emphasis on leadership and mentorship, and Attendance Matters, a breakfast club to address chronically absent students.  These site visits exposed me to a different approach to teaching and learning.  In particular, the leaders in these environments served as facilitators to students’ learning, encouraging them to be active in their learning by designing collaborative activities and providing intentional opportunities for interaction and reflection.  As highlighted by Curtis last week, this student-centered, experiential learning supports the idea that learning is doing. Students were engaged deeply in their learning.  Similarly, I was in a constant state of learning as a guest facilitator.

As a member of the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) cohort, I am particularly interested in supporting students as individuals beyond the classroom.  Having the opportunity to visit different C-SP sites and build relationships with students outside of the classroom environment was a valuable experience.   Through these before-, during-, and after-school initiatives, the C-SP department connects students to community partners and provides extended learning opportunities for children who may not otherwise have access due to life circumstances or challenges.  One pivotal learning experience for me was seeing the kids rush into the CONNECT afterschool program eager to receive a healthy snack and play games with their peers.  It was immediately evident that these programs provide vulnerable students with a safe and positive learning environment.  I am passionate about bringing this approach into my practice to connect with, motivate, and support children of all abilities in their journey to becoming respectful and responsible individuals.