Animal Webcams

Posted by in Science

IMG_5566aTo showcase their learning during a unit about Canadian Animals, my grade two students completed individual research projects on creatures of their choice.  They used informational texts to collect information, took notes in their detective folders, and prepared short presentations to share what they learned with their classmates.  During work time, I projected live webcam streams from local zoos and natural sites onto the whiteboard so students could see their animals in action.  I framed the videos by reminding the class that they were still accountable for completing their work.  As a result, the webcams did not serve as distractions.  Rather, the videos provided an innovative and visual way to explore animal behaviours and habitats.  Many students used the webcams  to make observations of their animals.  The videos also served to promote further questions and inquiries, thereby contributing to rich classroom discussion and research opportunities!

Here are some of the webcams I shared with my students:

Vancouver Aquarium Sea Otter Cam
White Rock Bald Eagles Cam

Grouse Mountain Grizzly Bears Hibernation Den

Woodland Park Zoo Grizzly Bears 

Tundra Buggy Polar Bears Cam