Pretzel Habitats

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During my Canadian Animals unit, the students and I conducted a collaborative study about beavers.  After reading and watching videos about beaver habitats, students were invited to build their own dams using pretzels and chocolate frosting.  This hands-on (and tasty) way to explore habitats proved to be a class favourite – students were engaged in the activity for much longer than I anticipated.  In addition to the enthusiasm students showed for the lesson, it served to scaffold the subject-specific language they were introduced to in our preceding research.  As the lesson progressed, students began describing their pretzel and frosting creations as lodges made of mud and sticks!  Students also appreciated the opportunity to express their creativity and designed habitats in various shapes and sizes.


Classroom management tip: It was incredibly helpful to allow students to eat one of their pretzels dipped in frosting before commencing the activity.  In doing so, they were able to focus on the construction of their habitats without their curiosity about the flavour becoming a point of fixation.