Cultural Stories

Posted by in Language Arts, Social Studies

As part of an integrated Social Studies and Language Arts unit, students explored the diverse cultural backgrounds of family, friends, classmates, and neighbours in their community.  To frame this unit, I sent home a letter to students’ parents asking them to discuss and review their child’s responses to three questions. The questions surrounded students’ linguistic background and cultural experiences, including favourite foods and traditions. I appreciated the parents’ willingness to support this project by sharing their gifts and heritages.  Students then used their responses to create and share a book about their unique cultural background.   Through the sharing of their books, students developed an understanding of the diversity within the classroom and local community as well as learned some new words in a variety of languages, including Punjabi, Spanish, and Tagalog. Each student brings unique backgrounds and experiences to the classroom environment – it is important as educators to integrate this diversity into enriched learning opportunities.

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